Thursday, March 3, 2011

COMIC PAGES PENCILLING | my first serious pencilling job

this is my first serious pencilling job, six pages of a comic. even with an intuos 3 drawing tablet, i still find pencilling on computer a daunting task. but i would fair even poorer on paper. being a self taught artist, i have spent quite some time (and resources) learning basic drawing: anatomy, perspective, form, the works, and it's exciting to put it to extensive practice.

i'm looking forward to getting a wacom cintiq soon, then doing this must take me half as much time. i should be able to do much more of this, coz i love it! so if u have some comic book/pages jobs in the pipe, bring it on!

click for a closer look:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

CUPID'S MURDER | the making of

click for a closer look. you may need to click on image again to zoom in

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

PATIENCE | leaves, leaves... leaves everywhere

i coulda just dropped a rough sketch into photoshop and be done with this in minutes, but i decided to take the long way, and see how much patience i have... NOT MUCH!! i'm about halfway through and i can feel the taste of green leaves in my mouth...

click for a closer look:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

SHUJAAZ | special editions

for lovers of the comic, keep your eyes and ears open, good stuff coming your way very soon. this is a page i just wrapped up the inks and colours. pencils were done by penciler eric muthoga.

click for a closer look:

Friday, June 25, 2010

GRAYSCALE PAINTING | this tribe thing

sometimes a client tells me that i should charge them cheaper because they want grayscale illustration, not colour. well, i dont agree, because i actually find painting in monotone more difficult than painting in full colour. when doing colours, it's kinda like they help you make the thing look good. but with a monotone pallette, i find myself doing more work to make a scene look good, like this one i'm working on for a book.

i'm i doing something wrong? coz some artists i know find monotone work easier.

click for a closer look:

Monday, June 21, 2010

FATHERHOOD 101 | shaking it Shakira style

i should have known it would be just a matter of time before i get a chance to draw the Shakira's Tsaminamina hip dance... this is Pudd'ng, shaking what her mama gave her, Shakira style. get wednesday's NATION nespaper to see the finished piece and read the FATHERHOOD 101 story.

click for a closer look:

Friday, June 18, 2010

LILIAN | pencils, inks and colours

this is a comic i just wrapped up with a lead character called lilian. it's for a children's magazine.

click each image for a closer look:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

RIDICULOUS COW | taking a break from seriousness

one of the reasons i love drawing FLAKES is that i get the opportunity to make some pretty ridiculous illustrations. like this one in progress here. it's a refreshing break from this overly serious world!

click to feel the wet muzzle:

Monday, June 14, 2010

CARICATURE | my first attempt published

i usually suck at drawing caricatures. i prefer drawing proper portraits and leave the art of caricaturing to its masters like MAD magazine's TomRichmond, an artist i greatly admire. last week, however, i was thrown the challenge at the last minute without an opportunity to say no, and i griped about it in my last post. here's the final artwork. i liked how it turned out. this was published in friday's BUSINESS DAILY.

click for a closer look:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

ILLUSTRATION | of tight ropes, ballet and suicide

this is a suicide illustration, those ones i get thrown at at the last minute and it has to go to press today. i'm immensely having fun doing it. it's an illustration of a man balancing a tight rope. i decided, just for fun, to give him ballet shoes. u can see the reference photo i used on the side.

click for a closer look:


on my board this morning, a spot illustration for this saturday's FLAKES. that fella is just about to detonate a landmine! get SATURDAY magazine to read this humorous piece.

click for a closer look:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

BINGWA INKING JOB | she's off to the toilet!

i spent much of the weekend penciling this two page comic for BINGWA, a magazine for children (feels funny calling it 'penciling, seeing that i do all this in illustrator). i'm now inking it. i need to get this job done chapchap before another salvo hits me later this week.

in case you are wondering where this young lady is headed to in such an undignified fashion in a nightie, well, she's making a bee line for the nearest toilet!

click for a closer look at the inking progress:

click for a closer look at the pencils:

Friday, June 4, 2010


here's a screen shot of SHUJAAZ issue 5 layout which i'm working on today. a lot to be done by close of the day. no time for stories. back to work...

click for closer look:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

SHUJAAZ ISSUE 5 COVER!! | oops! sorry, read issue 4 first!

i,m currently working on SHUJAAZ issue 5 cover image. i thought of posting the progress here but that would be too much info. read issue 4 first.

click for a closer look of the blocked screen :) :

meanwhile this is issue 4 which will be available in SATURDAY NATION this weekend. don't miss it!! 32 full colour pages!!

click for a closer look:

to read past issues of SHUJAAZ comic visit and you can follow BOYIE on facebook (DJBOYIE SHUJAAZ) and on twitter (SHUJAAZ).